Sex Therapy for Baby Queers and Questioning Individuals

in Littleton, CO.

Are you a baby queer feeling a bit lost or confused about your feelings and identity? Maybe you're wondering about coming out, exploring your sexuality, or just want someone to chat with about it all? Or maybe a quarter life (or mid-life) crisis has you rethinking who and what you see yourself as, want to present as, and want to be with?

It’s okay to have questions.

It’s okay to not know yet.

It’s okay to grow and change.

And most of all - it’s okay to need a guiding hand along the way.

Let's dive in together and figure out what makes you truly happy and whole.

Sex Therapy for Baby Queers

Navigating sex and sexuality as a baby queer is complicated.

You’re freaking out about dating, whether or not you are “queer enough,” or how to find someone you *actually* want to make out with (or fuck).

I specialize in helping baby queers (those new-ish to queer identity and/or experiences) explore and embrace their sexuality.

Yes, you are queer enough. Yes, I can help you.

No, it’s not “too embarrassing” to ask about in therapy with me. No, I’m not judging you.

If you are ready to stop the anxiety and overwhelm and experience the joys of being yourself, LFG.

Sex Therapy for Individuals Questioning Their Queerness

You have no idea what to call it. There are some labels that fit, but not really, but kind of. You are worried that if you embrace your queerness or “come out” you’ll lose friends and family.

You are not ready to answer your mom’s questions about how you “know” you are gay because “well, you had boyfriends in high school!”

You are scared shitless at the mere idea of being rejected by the people you love most. Oof. That’s a tough feeling to deal with. I’m sending you so much compassion 🩷

I can support you with alllll the things. Let’s meet for a vibe check, see if we vibe, and take it from there.

I will never deny your queerness and you can be certain that I will not judge your “embarrassing/I could never talk to anyone about that” questions and concerns.

If you’re questioning your sexual identity, or what to call it, or how to explain it to those you love, I’m here to support you.

You deserve support now (you don’t have to do it alone!)

 LGBTQ+ Sex Therapy in Littleton, CO

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, I am queer. As a bisexual, queer sex therapist in Littleton, CO I provide sex therapy to people of all identities, but I specialize in working with baby queer and LGBTQ+ individuals. I believe that our experiences in the world are deeply impacted by who we are. I find that my clients like having a sex therapist who holds the same, or similar, identities because it means that I know what it’s like to move through the world in a certain way.

    To be clear, being queer is not a monolithic experience. Your experiences are yours, mine are mine. However, there is something rad about having queer sex therapy with a queer sex therapist– trust me.

  • Absolutely. Coming out is a personal, iterative process. There is no right or wrong way to “come out,” but I can provide practical guidance on who to come out to and when based on your relationships and goals. We will consider your hesitations, safety, and hopes in order to craft an individualized plan of action. Communication is key.

    You got this ; )

  • I do not currently offer LGBTQ support groups in Littleton, CO. If you are interested in an LGBTQ+ support group, send me an email and I will happily guide you in the right direction <3