The Best Therapy for LGBTQ Individuals: Finding Affirming Mental Health Support
Finding affirming therapy for queer individuals and gender nonconforming individuals is vital for mental well-being. This post explores how to locate supportive and knowledgeable therapists who can help you navigate the unique challenges faced by the LGBTQ community.
I am a licensed clinical social worker in Colorado who primarily supports the lgbtqia community. If you are part of the lgbtqia community in Colorado and are seeking therapy, I'm here for you.
How to Heal from Sexual Trauma
Your experience(s) of sexual trauma may have shaped how you understand your identity, sexuality, and gender, but these are only part of your story. Your true self extends far beyond your past pain. As an experienced sexual trauma therapist, I will cover how I help survivors of sexual trauma improve their physical and mental health and ultimately heal from sexual trauma.
PTSD Timeline: How Long Does Trauma Therapy Take?
How long therapy takes for trauma depends on the severity of your trauma symptoms. For some clients, that means a few months. For other clients, it means a few years. When trying to figure out how long trauma therapy takes, it can be frustrating to hear “it depends” from every single therapist you talk to (but it’s true). In an attempt to not be super annoying, and just say, “it depends” (which it does). I have created some general estimates for how long therapy takes for PTSD and trauma.
The Decisive Element in Healing Painful Sex
Dr. Caroline Gamwell, DPT, is a pelvic floor therapist specializing in sexual dysfunction. She talks to Phases of the Mind Therapy about painful sex and how to heal. If you are experiencing painful sex, you do not want to miss this. Painful sex can get better, Dr. Gamwell and I would love to help you!
Six Best Sex Therapy Books in 2024: Book Recommendations from a Sex Therapist in Denver
As a sex therapist, I recommend my favorite sex therapy books of 2024. Yes, sex therapy books can actually help improve your sex life! I recommend sex therapy books to my sex therapy clients in Denver, CO all the time! This post covers which sex therapy books I am reading in 2024 and some tried and true sex therapy books that I have returned to many times in my decade long career as a sex therapist and educator. Happy reading <3
Sex Therapy Exercises
As a licensed sex therapist, I share sex therapy exercises you can do at home with your partner, or solo. Sex therapy exercises can change your sex life, especially if you are willing to communicate! If you are looking for sex therapy exercises from a licensed sex therapist, this post is for you.
Is Sex Therapy Covered by Insurance?
Using health insurance for sex therapy could be a money saver, but is it too good to be true? In this post, I cover diagnoses, privacy concerns, and insurance loopholes that contribute to the reasons I do not accept health insurance for sex therapy. Sex therapy can be covered by health insurance, but there’s a catch.
Pros and Cons of Online Sex Therapy
If you are considering trying online sex therapy rather than going to sessions in-person, it’s helpful to consider the pros and cons of online therapy. In this post, I cover the pros and cons of online therapy and how to decide if online therapy is right for you.